Attack of the Tube-Socks!
So, this first note is a stub place holder that I've delayed posting for several days -- the idea entails how war/hunting/violence technologies will propagate regardless of legislation. People may get weaker and lamer, but the need for survival continues on.
While partaking in a luxurious cab ride from Manhattan to JFK in Queens last Sunday, I saw an interesting thing on the side of the highway. There was a young man break-dancing and whipping around something that looked like a bolo. The simplest of bolos is comprised of two balls connected by a cord. Well, this one was more interesting---it was a pair of tube socks tied at the center with some kind of weights on either end of the length of sock.This kid was whipping the home-made bolo around like no-ones business, and judging from his speed and movement I have faith that he could do some damage with his home-made-implement.
All ran thru my head, while I pondered how my blades were packed away in my luggage safe from the TSA. This kid with some socks and two small weights can damage a man or even thwart and errant dog. Remarkable! And he looks hip and cool while dancing! Urban creativity at it's finest! Regardless of how many of our weapons they take away, human ingenuity will prevail. After all, necessity is the mother of invention.